Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Does anyone still read my blog????

I suck! I haven't posted in a long time. I have been a bit overwhelmed with life's challenges the last couple of weeks. I do have a lot to blog about, but where to start.........

Maybe I should tell you about the chocolate milk shake Kya poured over her head while sitting in her carseat in the back of the Yukon. Or maybe not. I am still trying to forget about it.

Or maybe the fact that I have an amazing husband. As most of you know Ben has been out of work for the past couple of months. After my maternity leave was up I went back to work and Ben stayed home with the kids. I was very worried about how this would work out. But it has been awesome. He does laundy, dishes, light housework, goes to the grocery store and even has dinner on the table when I come home from work. And I'm not talking about mac and cheese, an actual home cooked meal. I LOVE HIM! But I have to say it makes me wonder what other hidden talents he might have.

The most daunting thing on my mind these days is Isabel's surgery. It is on Monday, only a few days away. She got some new PJ's and a robe, Hannah Montana of course. We still need to pack a bag full of her favorite things. But most importantly I feel mentally prepared. Isabel and I went to a presurgery class at Primary Chilrens's Hospital. It was good for both of us. They will even let Isabel take a comfort item into surgery with her. I think she is going to take her favorite stuffed animal. She knows she is having surgery and she knows the basics, but no real details. If she asks a question I answer her honestly. She knows that a peice of bone from the back of her skull will be removed. The other day she told me she knows they are going to take out her entire brain and she will not be able to think anymore. I am not sure where that came from? I assured her that would not happen and she hasn't mentioned it again.

Isabel loves to do her own hair. Doesn't she look like a little girl from Holland?

And just one more item of concern I have. My little Sophie is so CUTE and is seriously the BEST baby EVER!!!! But what is up with her hair? Do I cut it or just wait for the rest of it to fall out. So far my solution is to draw attention away from it with a cute headband.


Tiffany said...

I still read...maybe you should post more often! :) That's funny what Isabel said about her brain!!! Silly girl!

Tiffany said...

Oh for the other girls: Beat Kya & I don't really know what to tell you about Sophie's hair. I never look at it anyways..I am always too busy looking at her cute face!

craziern said...

Heather, I love reading your blog and everyone else's in the family. I feel like it is the only way I can keep up with what is going on. I check them regularly. Keep it up! No advice on Sophie's hair cuz it is adorable how it is. Let me know if you need any help on Monday.

Leesa said...

I still read :)!! This is Leesa by the way! I am sorry you have soo much on your plate! I know that feeling ALL TOO well!! Just know you are in our thoughts and prayers! We hope everything goes well on Mon! If you need anything dont hesitate to ask!
Love, Leesa

The Cole Family said...

Stella has the same hair style as Sophie, only her's is trying to turn blonde at the same time! :)

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