I came home from work yesterday exhausted. Sophie has kept me up the last two nights. She is fine during the day, but wakes up SCREAMING in the middle of the night. I knew I would have to take her to the after hours clinic to have her ears checked.
When I walked in the house Ben and the girls were sitting down eating dinner. Ben had made steaks, potatoes and corn. This isn't too unusual. He does cook a good dinner on the nights I work. But there is more. There is a counter full of cupcakes. The girls told me that daddy helped them make them. They were unfrosted, because he said he wasn't sure how to make frosting. Easy enough, I can make frosting. Then Ben asks me if I would like him to fix me a plate of food. Besides all of this the house was picked up and the dishes were done. He had also done laundry and went to the grocery store earlier. WOW!!!!
But there is more.
I had to leave to take Sophie to the doctor. They told me she had a severe infection in her right ear. This sucks because it was the result of her last sickness: fever, throwing up, runny nose. Poor little girl. All of this in just a matter of weeks. Anyway when I get home, the dinner dishes were done, the girls had been bathed, cupcakes frosted, Isabel's homework done, and the girls were in bed asleep. I just have to brag a little bit at how amazing he is. Who would have ever thought Ben had this in him. Well he definitely had me fooled. I am so completely amazed at how well he does all of this. It means more to me than he knows. I am so lucky that our role reversal has been so uncomplicated. I guess you don't know what hidden talents you have until you give new things a try. Ben could definitely win the homemaker of the year award. I am very lucky to have such a great husband. I love him alot!!!
Sorry for just a mushy, sappy post. But Ben deserves the recognition! Don't you think?